The hardest strikes


THE hurricane that struck the state of Texas had worried me so much because three of my children are living there, plus a daughter from  Germany is vacationing with her family.  As the catastrophic  act of nature was raging, I called their cellular phones and when there were no replies, it made me even more  scared something was wrong. I was thinking of my grandchildren. Even some of my friends and relatives from the Philippines called me to inquire as they also watch the on-the-dot reporting on cable TV. I was assured though, because all of them know how to swim. After hours of calling, I got the answer that made me jump with joy--they are all safe and the kids were playing indoors. They told me they are going out as volunteers to distribute food and clothings to the victims of a great deluge. It is really very difficult how we parents love and care for our family. At our age when we have all the time to think of our family, I realized  our children are getting more important than ever before.
And then I heard two Maute members fighting in Marwi were killed by soldiers  I cheered more especially when I learned no casualties on the side of the military. It made me happier to know that the military had gained so much ground notwithstanding utmost difficulties, The rebels dwindled faster now and I predict the ugly war will soon come to an end with the Maute swimming in defeat. I wish every citizen in the country should act as lookout and inform the government of any trouble that may develop in our neighborhoods.
I have doubts about the report that the Marcoses are returning the wealth that belonged to the country.  If this happens, it is an admission that the Marcos regime had stolen public funds which the family had long  and repeatedly professed they never did. Or if this happens, the Marcoses are showing  or manifesting their guilt of a real big crime. And this can involve later the close allies of Marcos, who became rich overnight. In this world, I always believe they will never become saints and will never bring with them to their graves their loots. I would suggest, therefore, that since the family are allegedly  admitting their guilt, they should also ask for forgiveness from he people upon whose aspirations and dreams were shattered because of the thievery of a huge public funds. I also suggest that the friends and relatives of Marcos, who enriched themselves the shortest  way should also do the same thing.  Follow the footstep of a leader and skip from the flames of hell. Turning to the opposite side of the coin, I wish to reiterate my position that Marcos was still the best president our country ever had.  I am judging him on the basis of the things he had done in the country. I don’t have to mention the infra projects, the pavements of highways and roads in the provinces, the construction of towering public edifices, the bridges, etc. The public is still using them until now many years after his death.
If there is going to be a constitutional convention as President Dutete hinted recently, one of the things I urge to be done is to establish a framework or requirement for candidates to run for public office  We should have sufficient education capabilities  At least a college diploma should be required from  positions for president down to upper and lower members of congress. Uneducated people may run as athletes only. We must give more emphasis to intellects because our country is sinking due to ignorance  of some public servants.
Every time I hear about the news report from Cagayan de Oro, I see the city mayor as the most beleaguered public officials in the world.  Too many cases have reportedly been filed against him and that in a few days he will be ousted from his position, Years have passed and Mayor Oskie Moreno is still chief executive of the city  It gives me an impression that the reports were just part of a black propaganda to demolish the mayor  They were just part of dirty rumors that should only be done during political campaigns  I think politics in the city just do not stop. Some people should think about it. The mayor cannot be removed. Let politics sleep for a moment for people to get rid of hatred and ill-feelings with each other.
There are too many issues in the country that deserve to be discussed in public with the people participating. Our elected officials should visit once in a while the places and see for themselves the problems existing rather than keep themselves lazy in their offices. I am particularly referring to members of congress and the cabinet who could do something to alleviate the poor conditions of the people in the provinces.  I urge our politicians to change our ways of serving the taxpayers. We are still using the 1950 attitude of politics. How about that honorable ladies and gentlemen? (Bennex News Service)

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