Yes, the Christmas season has begun. So?


LIFE’S INSPIRATION: “… For God so loved the world, He Himself came down to earth from heaven, in the form of man with flesh and blood, to accept in Himself the penalty for man’s sinfulness, so that whoever accepts Him, receives Him, and believes in His Name, will be given the right to become children of God, and will not perish, but will have everlasting life…” (John 3:16, the Holy Bible, Ang Tanging Daan version).
YES, THE CHRISTMAS SEASON HAS BEGUN. SO? It is amazing that many people who are into social media started being frantic once more that the month of September has begun, saying that, with it, the Christmas season has officially started once again. Yet, it is unfortunate that they are frantic and excited for the wrong reasons, and they know it.
The excitement focuses on the celebrations, food fiestas, and receiving gifts. It also centers on reunions, “getting together”, partying, and imbibing on endless drinking orgies and senseless merry-making. The justification is that, it is a once-in-year event anyway, so everyone should be allowed to indulge their fantasies and desires.
But, is Christmas meant only for these temporal things? I am willing to bet those who are already excited about Christmas would say “yes”, completely unaware of the fact that the only reason why humanity should be happy about Christmas is that, it is a symbol of God’s love for all of us.
WHY DO WE HAVE CHRISTMAS? Why should man be happy that God’s love, as symbolized by Christmas, has come to us? The answer is simple. Man has become so sinful, so devilish, and has become capable of even the most heinous acts. This is true even in the Philippines, and you know what I mean.
With this sinfulness and evil self, there would only be one destiny for man when his earthly life is through, and that is hell. Those who do not believe will deny this, of course, but there is ample proof, not only in the book called the Bible, of the existence of heaven and of hell.
Now, why should man fear hell? The literature says it is a place where not only burning sulfur abounds, but where millions and millions of immortal worms would be found likewise. Clearly, it is going to be an eternal hardship for those who will go there, and that is even an understatement.
CHRISTMAS’ TRUE GIFTS: SALVATION IN THIS WORLD, DURING THE GREAT TRIBULATION, AND IN ETERNAL LIFE: Consequently, if he can, man should avoid going to hell at all cost, while he is still alive. But imperfect as he is with his dusty and sinful flesh, blood and spirit, there is nothing man can do to save himself from hell. This is where Christmas, whether its original version took place in December or not, becomes important.
On the first Christmas Day, God showed His great love for man, by coming to earth in flesh and blood, to accept in Himself the dire penalties that man should be receiving, so that anyone who accepts, receives, and believes in His Name (which is Jesus) as God and Savior and as God the Father, Son, and Holy spirit, will be given the right to become children of God, will not perish, and will have
eternal life in Paradise.
But that is not all there is to it. By virtue of Christmas, whether in December or at some other time, God has also given His believers who are called children of God and blood kin of the Christ, salvation from the evils of this world, and salvation from the preview of hell during the period called “The Great Tribulation”. This, and more, is why we celebrate Christmas!
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