Effective way to combat drugs


LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will not go free. A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will perish…” (Proverbs 19:5, 9, the Holy Bible).
DRILON’S WARNING VS. DRUGS WOULD HAVE BEEN ALRIGHT IF…: It was a beautiful, though biting, warning that Sen. Franklin Drilon issued to the officers of the different agencies of government which have something to do about the fight against illegal drugs in the Philippines, during the continuation of the Senate hearing on the P6.4 billion shabu smuggling at the Bureau of Customs on Thursday, September 07, 2017.
Indeed it is true. Everybody in government should be truly serious in performing their duties and responsibilities to assure victory in the campaign against drugs, which would necessarily end the killings associated with it. But, it should be asked: why does the Duterte government have to wage a fierce campaign against drugs today?
Is it not because nearly the entire Philippines has been in the grip already of drug syndicates, through the numerous politicians which they have been providing with money during elections to assure their election or re-election, even before President Duterte came in?
REASON WHY DRUGS CAME TO CONTROL RP: If the truth be told, it cannot be denied that the problem on drugs in the country took a deep plunge during the past administrations, and it is said the problem got truly worse during the Noynoy Aquino administration.
If past officials only fought drugs in all seriousness and honesty, syndicates purveying them would not have attained the success they are now enjoying. But on account of the lackadaisical and, perhaps, criminal, manner by which they treated the problem of drugs, evidently for a million and one reasons, drug syndicates now control the country today.
And it should be conceded. The drugs problem in the Philippines at this point has become the worst problem our nation can ever have. This is true
not only because syndicates are more aggressive, even now, in the sale of drugs so they can continue earning more millions, but more because the number of Filipinos wanting to profit from this contraband have increased beyond measure all the more.
GREED AMONG GOV’T MEN, ROOT OF DRUGS PROBLEM: Because of greed and lust for wealth even if they come from illicit sources among many of our countrymen, drug syndicates have been able to ply their nefarious trade almost unhampered everywhere. Then, even those who are supposed to protect the citizenry against debilitating vices like drugs are themselves into drugs, as syndicate members.
This is the reason why Filipinos who have become weary of this problem can no longer find any recourse or solution on existing systems and institutions, leaving only our God and Savior, Jesus, as the only solution. The way I see it, the time has come for those wanting to solve this drugs problem to recognize the fact that, if it has become impossible for man to fight this menace, there is nothing impossible with God.
Because of this, I wish to invite everyone to join me and my group in our efforts to utilize spirituality and Biblical truths as one effective way to fight illegal drugs in our midst.
THE EFFECTIVE WAY TO COMBAT DRUGS: This is my proposal: we should exert all our efforts to bring back our countrymen, especially the youth, to God---for it is necessary that every Filipino should instill in themselves the appropriate fear and love of God, through means proven to be truly effective.
And what do we mean by the words, “effective means”? This means, daily reading of the Bible, morning and night studying its verses, and obedience to the commands written therein every minute of our lives.
Through this, the Holy Spirit of God will descend upon us, giving us a righteous standing before His presence, allowing our prayers and supplications to be heard and favorably acted upon by Him. We should try this now!
WATCH “ANG TANGING DAAN” AT FACEBOOK: “Ang Tanging Daan” is a Bible exposition and prayer session for everyone, in English and Filipino, 24/7, worldwide, that can be viewed at www.facebook.com/angtangingdaan. Reactions: 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193, 0977 805 9058. Email: batasmauricio@yahoo.com.

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